We have 12 job offers for you

All our jobs are on Total Jobs, Indeed, Reed, CV-Library,  if you have your CV linked to one of these job boards please click on the job board to apply.


A-Team Recruitment work on permanent vacancies across a broad spectrum of commercial industries in East Anglia especially focusing on Colchester, Sudbury and the surrounding area. A big plus we feel for using our service is that we advertise your vacancy on Reed, totaljobs, Monster, Linked-In and Indeed. As well as advertising we have the cv access to all these sites enabling us to search for good cvs to match your requirements. Our service to you is to screen all applications, shortlist the best matches, on your decision then organise interviews, ending with letting people know the good and bad news. The most important part of recruitment to us is building a long-standing relationship with each other by working honestly and ultimately successfully. At A-Team Recruitment, we take pride in that we have strong relationships with clients who we have worked with for both many years and some only a few. Please look at our testimonials from both employers and employees to validate this.